Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today was a very exciting day because R. J. got paid and we got to go get food!!! :) I love food it is amazing! I am very excited because I bought stuff to make stuffed potatoes! One of my favorites and very fattening so I have to enjoy it now because I wont get it again! I have to go on a diet after I have Colton! I am hoping to get down to 130! That is my goal weight! So, I am taking advantage of food right now...well not too much advantage because I dont want to gain weight! lol So far with this pregnancy I have only gained...uhhh...20 pounds and I am 32 weeks pregnant. With Andrew I gained 50sumthin! Hopefully I will only gain at the most 10 more pounds! Then I hope I can lose a tun after he is born! Well, nothing much happened today! Andrew is being a goober like normal and touching things he should not touch! Oh and now he can open doors! Yippy (not really)...R. J. went to work at his normal time and normal place. Which is at 2:30pm and Ebay. I hope he gets his new schedule approved, which is 6am-2:30pm so he can be home with his family at night and focus more on real estate! Oh and Colton is doing good he is still moving around like crazy in my stomach and smooshing his little feet into my ribs! Oh the joys of being preggers. I think he is starting to drop though cuz my belly seems to start falling hahaha. Well have a good night!

Oh and my picture for the day is my amazing ice cube tray! I officially love this tray because the green part you see in the picture is where ya push the ice out! It is awesome! haha Plus the cubes and small and cute! Well, there is my weird pic for the day! TTFN TATA FOR NOW!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Not much happened today. We did not do much this morning and once R.J. went to work I watched gilmore girls and organized some of my crafts and then when I turn my back for a second Andrew messed all of it up and scattered it everywhere. I gave up! Maybe I will finish it tomorrow! Not very happy at the fact that my child slapped me across the face today! No idea where he got that from! He got put in time out though! Today was just a horrible day and im feeling even more horrible and depressed because I have to give away my puppies. Man I am going to be crying for months after that! Me and R.J. started our relationship with khloe! Then we celebrated our marriage/pregnancy with Keesha so those puppies mean so so so much to me! It is going to be really hard to see them go! I just have to keep in mind that one day Ill be able to get a big dog that can run around my house and play with the kids. It is just really hard right now! Especially because I have all these wonderful emotions that come with being preggers. Well, now that I have complained enough for today I am going to go to bed and hope that tomorrow will be a tad better! Oh and the picture below is how Andrew has to go to bed. Bottle, Binky, and Blankie!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today was not a very good day. I have been feeling sick all day! Head throbbing, stomach hurts, heartburn, legs tingling, feet swelling, and achy feelings all over my body...I just feel like crying! Andrew has not been feeling good today as well. Tonight he ran a fever of 100.6 and just layed on the ground for like and hour not moving until I put him to bed. He is all pale, eyes glazed over, and spaced out. I feel so bad for the little guy. One thing I did do today was finish Coltons car seat cover! Yippy! Just had to finish off the wholes in it. Now onto a cover for over the whole thing so snow and sun and stuff does not shine in! Well, we did not do much today so hopefully tomorrows blog will be a little better. Oh and R.J. woke up this morning and made me and Andy breakfast! I love my husband so much! He is the sweetest ever!!!
Below is the car seat cover I made! :) Without a pattern too!!! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today we woke up and I had my 32 week appointment at the doctors office! Not much happened there. Baby is growing good and I have been losing 1 pound every two weeks so its kinda weird because the baby should be gaining weight! lol Then I decided to sew Coltons car seat cover! Did not get it finished but its a work in progress. I will post pictures when i am done! Then, we went over to mama Shelleys and papa Bobs. After that we went home and Andrew took a nap. We woke him up around 6pm and he had a pb&j for dinner! (Pictures Provided) Then, we went to Ikea so I could get some walking in! Man how I love to look at all the Ikea stuff and wish I could buy it all! One day when we are millionaires my house will be all Ikea! TTFN TATA FOR NOW~!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So today we woke up this morning and went to church! It was not too fun for me because I had contractions all during it! :( They are just braxton hicks contractions so they are not doing anythying which is good but they still hurt. Andrew also has this little girl at church that he loves to play with. She is a few months younger than him but she is just as tall. Sundays are great days because we get to cuddle in bed (hense the picture) and watch our tv shows! Today we watch Kitchen Nightmares. I love Gordan Ramsey he is so funny! After our cuddling in bed time we went to papa Bobs and Mama Shelleys for dinner. We ate chicken and rice! It was pretty tasty!!! Then, we played Mille Bournes with them and Simon and Tierra. I also had contractions all through Sunday dinner. It was not very fun! I am ready for Colton to come to the world!!! Well, it was a good Sunday except for the contractions! Have a good night!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

01/22/2011 Oh Baby!

So today was a basic day kinda. R. J. donated plasma this morning while me and Andy were sleeping! We both slept till 11:30! Crazy but anyways while R. J. was donating plasma he ended up not being raped up good after donating and he started to bleed out! Pretty good im guessing because he ended up passing out at the donation center! eeek! He made it home safely but he has been pale all day! Me and Andrew did 8 loads of laundry today! A lot of the loads were blankets we needed to catch up on! While Andrew took his nap I researched on cloth diapers. We have decided to swich over to cloth diapers to save money! I am so excited actually because they are so much better for the child and the environment! Not too thrilled about the poop part but it should not be too bad. We are about to have Colton Gavin Ashcroft soon so that will put us at two kids in diapers! As I was looking today at diapers I realized how tiny newborn diapers are compared to Andy size! Jeeze they are so cute! I forgot how tiny babies are! I am so use to luging around Andrew that I forgot how small they are! I am very excited to see Mr. Colton! Coming soon to Ashcroft House near you, March 20th 2011 (expected due date)

Friday, January 21, 2011


Today was an ok day! Recap on Yesterday though. I got to do newborn photos for some "family/friends" They turned out amazing! Very cute too I have to say! The picture above I have to say is my favorite!

So today was an ok day. This morning R.J. got up to go to Keller Williams while me and Andy were still sleeping. He woke us up when he came home about 9:30am. I have to say I wish I could go to sleep earlier and get up earlier! It would make my day much more productive. R.J. is trying to switch to the 6am-2:30pm schedule so we can have more family time and R. J. can have more opportunities for Real Estate! I have to say It is very hard being a stay at home mom but I am loving it.

Currently we are working on making more money! because money is good! lol, R. J. is now donating twice a week. The Plasma donation place he goes to pays him 35 the first time in the week and 40 the second time in the week. The only bad part is that he is gone for like 2 hours. But I guess its worth it! :) I am going to start putting some Ebooks together to start earning money and Making a lot of thing that I can sell! I am so excited to be getting into crochet! My next project with crochet is to start making stuffed animals. Traci (my sister) gave me the idea! I am not sure how well I will do but I will let ya know! Oh and I am also puting a catalog together to start selling my hand crafted items! SOOOOO excited I hope it all works out! Well, I think this is enough for today! Talk To Ya Tomorrow!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Ok so I have bomed my 52 week challange so since I failed at that I am going to start the 365 challenge! :) Well technically 346 because I have missed 19 days! Better late then never!

HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

52 week challenge

Now everyone has heard of the 356 day challenge. Well, I am going to slack a little bit and do a 52 week challenge. My goal this year is to once a week post pictures and write about our weeks! I would do it daily but I know I will come to a day and be well, I am going to do once a week! Heck yea, and I am starting this week with this post!

This week has just started so I will talk about our christmas and new years!

This Christmas the Ashcroft's (R. J., Andrew, Alle and of course Colton (not yet born)) Stayed in Utah. I was our first Christmas that we did not go to Arizona. Christmas Eve we had the first annual Christmas Eve game night. There were games, food and family. It was help at Mama Shelley's and Papa Bob because we do not have a house! Christmas day we woke up and Opened presents here at our apartment. Then, we went over to Julie and Reeds to see the Leavitt's Who came down from Oregan. I loved seeing my sister and her family very much! Andrew also enjoyed playing with his cousins?!? I think they would be his cousins? I am not sure on the whole relative relation thing...Well anyways then, we had dinner/lunch over at Papa Bobs and Mama Shelleys house. After we ate we came back home and let Andrew nap. Later that night we went our to temple square with the leavitt's (Traci, Brad, Kennadee, Raimee and Peyton) Plus Jule and Reed! It was the perfect ending of a perfect Christmas day!!!

New years eve we did not do anything at all...Me and R.J. did not even stay up till midnight. I was sick though so I kinda ruined it. I did turn over and say happy newyear to R. J. at midnight but he was sleeping and would not even give me a kiss....It was hillarious!!!

Well that was the start of our new year! We have not made any new year resolutions yet but those will come later! The only resolution I have is to get this baby out of me!!! LOL Which will happen in March! Yippy!