Saturday, June 30, 2012

Its been a long time!

Ok, I know it has been a really long time since I posted. So to catch up we got in a car accident July 31, 2011 R.J. lost his job due to the accident and the only one we could find that would hire right away was in AZ. I am now currently working from USBank and R.J. is a stay at home dad. We are trying to look for a job for R.J. but it is very difficult. So now we are here in AZ in the HEAT! oh what fun. Anyways colton is now 15 Months and Andy is almost 3.

 It was also R.J.'S 29TH birthday on June, 22nd 2012...We had a lot of fun just the 4 or us!
 We actually got time to go shooting with my dad too! I was amazing lol so I had never shot a gun before and it was fun! I love being with my dad!!!

Oh and the whole reason I was posting today. We went grocery shopping and I was very proud of myself. We spent 70 dollars on food! The best part about it is the fact that I saved 44.73 total! Heck Yea go couponing and planning! Here is what I got for my $70 bucks! Not bad for my first time!